这是我父亲,今年91岁,年纪大了免不了病痛,其它还算可以,最困扰他的也是最让我们子女担心的是他的便秘,经常是一周一次。用了好多办法。新西兰的好友寄来两罐LAZU麦卢卡蜂蜜牛初乳混合配方乳粉,服用一周后就有所缓解,三周后就每2-3天一次,不那么费劲了。不仅如此,还发现他老人家的精力增加,室内的活动也增加了,他自己都记得每天早上要喝LAZU。看着辛苦一辈子的父亲健康高寿真是最幸福的。 肖英, 北京,中国 This is my father, 91 years old, his healthy situation is not too bad. But the most disturbing thing is about his constipation, often once a week. We tried many things. My friend lives in New Zealand and recommended and mailed two cans of LAZU manuka honey & […]
Category Archives: Testimonials
A list of product reviews and case studies from Lazu product users.
我是一名教师,肠胃功能一直不好,工作强度大,身体跟不上,没胃口,半夜醒了就很难再入睡,总是疲乏,回到家什么都不想干,根本没有精力做家务和陪孩子。孩子一闹,就控制不住自己的脾气。每天都似乎在挣扎。一直在调节肠道,补充营养,什么益生菌,酵素,维生素,蛋白质粉等,但改善不大。 一位做新西兰代购的亲戚介绍了LAZU拉祖麦卢卡蜂蜜牛初乳混合配方保健营养粉,以前没听说过,但相信新西兰的产品就买了两罐试一试。从新西兰直邮的,大概三周后收到。按着代购转发的中文说明开始坚持每天早上喝。一个月后,真正感觉有到了明显变化,吃得香,睡得着,精力、体力都有改善。两个月后,就像换了一个人,每天忙完工作,忙家务,还陪孩子玩,半夜上厕所,还检查孩子,回到床上,还能入睡,这简直是不可思议。 后来仔细想了想,LAZU的最大特点是用天然的麦卢卡蜂蜜去杀掉清除肠胃已有的病菌,而不只是平衡菌群,然后肠道才能正确辨认营养物质,吸收进来。愿意将我的经历分享给其他人,希望大家都健康,没有健康,什么都没有。 孙利英,北京,中国 I am a teacher, suffered the function of intestines and stomach problems for several years. Work is hard, but the body can’t keep up with, no appetite, was hard to fall asleep again after woke up in the midnight, always felt tired. Don’t want to do anything after […]
“Lazu” – Wellness & Health Formula “As someone who works a full time job and trains regularly to stay fit for my sport, lazu really gives the long lasting energy to help get me through work and push harder at training.”
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