The importance of gut health is the key for overall wellness. Most people assume that poor digestion is the only indication that they might have an unhealthy gut, as in acid reflux, bloating, and constipation. Fact is the gut is connected to so many other parts of the body, including the brain and immune system. There are many surprising signs that suggest your gut is in need of a service. You could say just like you would your car.
The following are symptoms that would indicate a warning sign:
The first one is one that a lot of my clients complain of and that is “can’t seem to lose weight”. If your gut is out of balance it will affect your metabolism. Think about it if you are not breaking down fats and carbohydrates effectively you will be storing them somewhere in the form of metabolic waste. This usually deposits around your waistline.
You seem to catch everything that is going around. Your immune system is determined by your gut. So an unhealthy gut will make you more susceptible to viruses and make it harder to fight bugs off and disease.
You find you are often tired, the explanation to that is that when your digestion is not working properly, you are not absorbing all the nutrients from your food. You get energy from your food.
You get moody or depressed easily. You are not producing enough serotonin, which is your mood regulating neurotransmitter and it is produced in your gut.
Finally there is brain fog, that is when you cannot think clearly and you are often forgetful, that could be due to inflammation in the gut. Some foods you are consuming could be the cause.
So those are some of the most the tell-tale signs. If you experience one or more of these symptoms maybe it is time to look into it.
Blog provided to Lazu by Natalia Jones, Certified Health Coach –